These funds are placed with financial institutions in the Mainland and are subsequently channelled back to Hong Kong through the inter-bank market. 这些资金先存入内地的金融机构,然后通过银行同业拆借市场转返香港。
It also came amid signs that liquidity has recently evaporated from parts of the European inter-bank market, pushing overnight borrowing rates sharply higher. 这项举措出台之际,还有迹象表明,欧洲银行间市场某些领域的流动性最近已明显下降,推动隔夜借款利率大幅上阳。
So this week the European Central Bank pumped an unprecedented amount of funds into the inter-bank market, to ensure that it kept working as normal. 因此,上周欧洲央行(ECB)向银行间市场注入了空前规模的资金,以确保该市场继续正常运转。
Inter-bank market bid rate 银行同业市场出价利率
Compared to the inter-bank market, the exchange bond market has been marginalized for the lower-leveled bond issuance, bond trading volume, bond products, and the structure of investors. 相对于银行间市场,交易所债券市场一直处于边缘化状态,在债券发行、债券成交量、债券品种、投资者结构上都与银行间市场有着差距。
Third, revive the inter-bank market with temporary guarantees. 第三,通过提供暂时担保,激活银行间同业拆借市场。
The subordinated bond sale was warmly received in the Chinese inter-bank market by investors attracted by the relatively high coupon and an implicit state guarantee. 这宗次级债券销售在中国的银行间市场得到积极响应,投资者被相对较高的票息和隐含的国家担保所吸引。
The seven-day rate in the inter-bank market is the closest thing China has to a genuine market rate. 7天回购利率是中国市场上最接近真正的市场利率的指标。
The People's Bank of China also raised interest rates modestly in the inter-bank market yesterday for the second time in less than a week, as it engages with commercial banks in a tug-of-war over rapid lending. 中国人民银行(PBoC)昨日还在不到一周内第二次小幅调高银行间市场利率。目前中国央行正与各商业银行在快速放贷问题上展开拉锯战。
The crucial inter-bank market will remain frozen until the banks are forced, under threat of prosecution, to reveal the true extent of their sub-prime liabilities. 在会被起诉的威胁下,银行不得不譬如刺激债务的真实状况,若非迫不得已,主要银行间拆解市场仍将被冻结。
Foreign banks should be allowed to trade corporate bonds and ABS in the inter-bank market. 外国银行需被允许在银行间市场上从事公司债券和资产支持证券的交易。
By applying the co-integration theory, this paper analyzed the relation between 3 month's interest rate of inter-bank market and the capital structure of listed company. 利用协整理论对中国3个月期同业拆借利率与上市公司资本结构之间的关系进行了分析。
The Revolution of China's Inter-bank Market and Government Model of Transaction Network 我国银行间市场的未来发展和交易场所组织模式研究
The whole repo market splits into inter-bank market and exchanging market. 整个回购市场分割为银行间市场和交易所市场。
We also find that the term structure of interest rate in bond market in Shanghai Stock Exchange is more effective than in the inter-bank market. 我们还发现交易所债券市场的即期利率初步具备了合理的期限结构图形,而银行间债券市场还没有。
The price discovery efficiency of bourse treasury bond market is higher than that of inter-bank treasury bond market. More investors should be allowed to enter the inter-bank market. It is also necessary to establish and perfect the exchange mechanism such as the market-maker system. 证券交易所国债市场的价格发现效率高于银行间国债市场的价格发现效率,应该让更多的投资者进入银行间债券市场以及建立和完善包括做市商制度在内的交易制度。
The repo rates, after deducting the premium imposed by one-factor essential affine model, are in accordance with pure expectations hypothesis, and one-factor essential affine model can explain the time-varying term premium of repo rates in the inter-bank market. 回购利率期限结构扣除单因子模型给出的利率风险溢酬后,服从纯预期假设,单因子本性仿射模型可以解释银行间市场回购利率风险溢酬的变化。
About the repurchase transactions, the inter-bank market get the best liquidity. 而银行间市场回购交易流动性最高。
An Analysis on Regime-Switching of Interest Rate in the Inter-Bank Market of China 中国银行间同业拆借市场利率结构转换研究
About the spot transactions, the Shanghai exchange has the best liquidity, the second is the inter-bank market, while the Shenzhen exchange is the last; 流动性指标不服从常见分布。2、现券交易的流动性以上海交易所最高,银行间市场其次,深圳交易所最低。
Therefore, we should use for reference the experience of the inter-bank market, substitute the account settlement system for the seat coalition system, continuously improve the repurchase pledge proportion system in finance, and enhance the transparency of the market. 因此,应借鉴银行间市场经验,以账户清算制取代席位联合制,并继续完善融资回购质押比例制度,提高国债市场透明度。
CDB, the largest policy bank in China, mainly provides credit support to infrastructure projects, basic industry and mainstay industry. CDB raises funds mainly by issuing financial bonds in the inter-bank market. 开行是我国最大的政策性银行,贷款主要投放于基础设施、基础产业和支柱产业项目,资金来源主要是在银行间市场发行金融债券。
As to bond trading market, there are three departed market in China, the counter market, the exchange market and the inter-bank market. They are not associated, and a unified national interconnected bond market has not been established. 就债券的交易市场而言,柜台市场、交易所市场和银行间市场互不关联,全国统一互联的债券市场尚未建立。
Third, upgrading the degree of integration of the stock market and the currency market; Relaxation of the scope of commercial banks operating and expand the scope of firms to enter the inter-bank market, it should establish the information platform of the stock market and commercial bank. 其三,提升股票市场与货币市场一体的程度,在放宽商业银行的经营范围和扩大券商进入同业拆借市场的规模上一定要建立股票市场和商业银行联系的信息平台。
The inter-bank market bond repurchase rate in our country to play the part of the benchmark rate function. 银行间市场债券回购利率在我国发挥着部分基准利率的功能。
The empirical result indicates that the negative information has a greater effect on the fund in the inter-bank market. 实证结果表明,在银行间同业拆借市场上,拆借头寸受利好的消息影响较大。
Electronic transaction and information system is the important indicator to determine whether a country has a modern inter-bank market. The foreign currency trading center mainly offers a transaction platform for market among the banks. 是否拥有电子交易、信息系统,是一个国家是否拥有现代化银行间市场的重要标志。
Age is a significant factor to the decision of inter-bank market liquidity, the empirical data support the basic bond age of liquidity the negative effects of assumptions, but it not exist significant negative correlation of age on the exchange bond market with liquidity. 年龄是银行间市场流动性决定的显著因素,存在负相关关系,实证数据基本支持债券年龄的流动性负效应假设,但是年龄对流动性的影响效果会受到经济环境波动的干扰。
As for the inter-bank market, three dimensions including scale, efficiency and quality are adopted; correspondingly, asset indicators, efficiency indicators and non-performing loans indicators are taken respectively. 银行间市场的描述我们从规模、效率、质量三个维度来考察,分别采用了资产指标、效率指标、不良贷款指标来衡量。
Inter-bank market interest rate for the whole financial market, one of the benchmark interest rate. Study of the inter-bank market interest rate on the term structure of interest rates throughout the financial markets is instructive role. 银行间市场利率是整个金融市场的基准利率之一,研究银行间市场利率对研究整个金融市场利率期限结构具有指导性作用,也对金融市场投资、金融产品创新具有重要指导意义。